Can You Keep Growing with Content You Already Have?

Written by Clever Marketing | Jun 3, 2024 7:46:49 PM

If you've ever felt overwhelmed by the constant need for new content on social media, we have some good news for you. You can keep your feed fresh and engaging by smartly repurposing content that's already a hit.

We’ve put together some tips to help give your best-performing posts a new life and keep your audience coming back for more.


Start with a Content Check-up

Let’s start with a quick content audit. Dive into your posts from the past few months or even the last year. Which ones got people talking, liking, and sharing? These are your goldmines! These insights are perfect clues about what connects with your audience.


Easy Ways to Refresh and Reuse Content

Snip and Share: Got a long video that viewers loved? Chop it up! Create mini-clips or grab standout quotes from it. Each snippet can stand alone as a fresh post. It’s like getting several posts out of one!

Change It Up: Why not turn a popular blog post into a cool infographic or a short video? Or take a great video discussion and strip the audio to make a podcast episode? Switching up the format can breathe new life into familiar content.

Update and Relaunch: Sometimes, all you need is a little tweak. Update outdated info, add new insights, or change the visuals. It’s like a content facelift to make old posts shine again.

Spin-off Series: If a topic resonated with your audience, why not expand it into a series? Keep the conversation going and delve deeper into the subjects your audience cares about.

Create Carousel Posts: Platforms like Instagram and Facebook let you upload multiple photos or videos in one post. Break down a complex idea into a carousel post to make it easily digestible and swipe-worthy.


Don’t Forget These Key Social Needs

Stay True to Your Brand: Make sure all your repurposed content still looks and feels like you. Keeping your brand’s voice and look consistent is what makes you recognizable.

Mind the Platform: Tailor your revamped content to fit each social media platform. What works on Instagram might need a little tweak to catch on with your LinkedIn or Twitter audience.

Keep Your Eyes on It: Monitor how your repurposed content performs. Be ready to adapt and tweak based on your audience's current needs.


Repurposing isn’t just about saving time—though it’s a huge plus. It’s about reinforcing your key messages and making sure they stick. By revisiting content that’s already performed well, you’re playing it smart—minimizing risks and maximizing engagement.

So, peek at your past hits next time you’re stumped for content ideas. A treasure trove of content is waiting to be rediscovered and given a new twist.